Bradstone Woburn Rumbled Block Paving Autumn

Bradstone’s Woburn series is a fresh take on block paving which has become a very homogenous paving type. It departs from the generic rectangular block paver format, and instead has variations in both colour, size and texture. While still being both man-made and incredibly durable, Woburn Rumbled has a historical sense to it, with various notches and imperfections making the paving feel like it was hand-hewn by a skilled craftsman.

This Autumn mix is a blend of warm colours ranging from sunset pinks through to orange hues. The blocks are available in three different dimensions which when combined give a bespoke feel. Bradstone Woburn Rumbled does cost about £5m² than their standard driveway block paving but definitely has a more luxurious appearance.

Customer Reviews

Bradstone Woburn Rumbled Block Paving Autumn has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5, based on 6 customer reviews.

  1. Very nice, got a bit more character than most block paving. Cant comment on the longevity of it of course but the woburn style definitely looks great new.

  2. Love it, Getting parked on our street was a nightmare so we decided to have a driveway put in. Was kind of dreading it because block paving can look really common but this was is very rustic. Colour blend is lovely too

  3. I like the texture of it and the irregular size pattern which looks much better than heringbone. The warm autumn colours are maybe a bit too extreme though to seem like real stone but maybe it’ll fade a bit over time.

  4. Decent paving. Nice warm colours and the shape of the blocks makes it look a bit like cobblestones

  5. Looks much better than the regular block paving on the market and only slightly more expensive. Well worth it in my opinion for the old ‘curb appeal’.

  6. Impressed with this block paving, much nicer than the regular kind you see everywhere. Nice colour pallet and I like the roughened edges and different sizes. I recommend Bradstone Woburn if you want a more rustic feel for your driveway.


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